Monday, January 29, 2007
If Nikki Sixx can do it...
Why can't you? Too shy? Worried about the possible awkwardness of going for the solid while the other guy (or gal) goes for the Wonder bread? I guess it comes down to what you got inside, what Mr. Rocky Balboa calls, "the stuff in the basement." What the kids today call, "the junk in the trunk." Well, maybe that is something different, I can't explain every fine point to you. Big picture here is I know you've got it in you, so check the basement and trunk both. Quit thinking LCD, that's "lowest common denominator" from back in Sister Ramone's math class. (Yes, I did have a Sister Ramone, and later in life I did come to wonder if Joey or Dee Dee ever know that one existed.) Now, it's "liquid cyrstal display". What is it with people and crystals these days? Think LED sometimes, like the "Ghost in the Machine" cover. Keep it simple and be your own person (and maybe that involves crystals somehow) but don't dumb down your game. Nikki Sixx doesn't. At least not in this particular example. Are you going to focus-group your handshake? Keep in it smart, stay ahead of the curve - or so far behind it you're ahead of it, anyway - and people will catch up to you, but don't let them lap you. Bring people up to your level, don't crouch down to theirs. You can do it. You were TIME's person of the year for christsakes. Help me here, meet me half way. And when you do, you know how to do it.
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